Design of 3D Printed Furniture And Decor

While dealing with large scale 3D printing, I asked myself why is it so important for us today and what can actually give us. It’s seems like sky is the limit for what can be 3D printed and everyday we hear about the next best thing that we can produce on our desktop printer.

Our focus today is more about large scale 3D printing and that it is really affordable and totally possible to have a designer furniture at home or even develop your own idea of decor.

We think it would be great to gather design ideas for furniture items, decor, accessories and lighting and decided to organise Design Competition for 3D Printed Furniture:

There are really great ideas of how to produce unique designer table, an exceptional lighting, book shelves and bedside tables and we would love to turn them in reality.

So, we would like to encourage and challenge all product, industrial and furniture designers to participate and create the design that they would love to see shape up in our large scale printer.

We came up with the idea of the best prize for a designer – to see his design becomes a reality and actually reach the end user it was intended for.

Check our some great ideas in Pinterest and be inspired to create great designs and let us accomplish them for you: Ideas for 3D printed furniture

Good look and hope to see your best designs in the coming weeks!

The team of Tridilabs

source: Tridilabs

Image: DesignDaily

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